Post by Sucahyo on Mar 27, 2014 9:07:58 GMT 7
Oh, iya, saya tidak setuju dengan klaim bahwa high frekuensi bisa bikin sakit. Tergantung rangkaiannya. SOalnya saya sering pakai stingo saya untuk menyembuhkan sakit ringan.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 9:29:39 GMT 7
Radiant energy type dc/ac osilasi surutan pada MWO untuk kesehatan.Warsito P Taruno juga gunakan radian pembunuh kanker.
Post by Sucahyo on Mar 27, 2014 12:09:39 GMT 7
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 14:57:38 GMT 7
Grebenikov/Ed Ledskalnin paranormal ability diaktifkan oleh natural vortexgrid kayak ontorio lake/oregon vortex/ley line
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 15:07:31 GMT 7
Saya gunakan CSE untuk mudahkan tidur.,Ingin kuat efeknya harus diputar dalam capacitor alu foil HVDC (CSE torsion lenz)
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 15:48:17 GMT 7
Post by Sucahyo on Mar 27, 2014 16:38:31 GMT 7
CSE yang model bagaimana?
Kalau untuk tidur dan pengobatan, stingo zapper dipakai langsung ke badan.
Post by Sucahyo on Mar 27, 2014 18:50:24 GMT 7
Postingan Deackenz tentang theori grebenikov Deacken Frost
Author: Richard Comment: I've been talking with a friend of mine, who is physicist, that the gravitational field is quite weak in a local event. In other words to create a lifting body of some mass would require a large field that in turn would require a very strong electromagnetic source. This would be enough to fry anything within a fairly large area of that local event occurring before any lift would be established. Your comments please? Hi Richard and of course the web admin Ovidiu Sandru, I actually constrained myself to keep on answering the comment due to my plan to reveal the flying technology using gravitational field in Malaysia around 2013 (My three to four years project starting 2009). There’s some items still under delivery (which I ordered) from all over the world, and some of it need to be re-engineered due to the part of the final product was never produce in any country at all. My intentions was to create a backpack consist of 2 side-by-side vortex coils, up and down controller at wrist, miniature 12VDC power supply, HV coils and some part of electronic as the frequency modulator. I do admit that all the technology (compare to late 1940’s) was already here but still to complete and test flight the final product would be another trial and error approach. I like to answer your comment/question because of it seems like the question that you forward across was the same question I had during my early years in my university’s studies. You were right that I’ve keep on asking people how to explain all this antigravity things including my university’s professor. They not willing to answer and sometimes in bad situations they label you as the ‘daydreamer’. Nowadays you can fairly admit the genuine UFO footage in ‘youtube’ video beside the fake one. The one that I claim as genuine will be the video which is the craft (saucer like) hovering for a few second and then in a blink of an eye, accelerate too fast and vanish; which is defy all know law of physics and momentum It was too fast even the second frame of the film reveals that this craft covers from zero to 1500mile in a second. This kind of acceleration can only be explain using Relativity Time Effect (or Victor Grebennikov use to called it as time-wrapping force-field effect) inside the gravitational field itself. Fairly, to answer your question (and I assume you will forward this answer to you physicist friend which he/she can verify much further), it’s an important and popular fact amongst physicist that the higher the gravitational fields, the slower the time become inside that field, but what the physicist do not know is, the observer in any high or low gravitational field still feels time as one second per one second. Let say, one observer falls into black-hole. He watches his clock all the time. He still sees and feels one second still in one second. As the other observer on outside the black hole (let say in a space ship outside the black hole field) sees the falling observer more freeze in time like a frozen picture when goes nearer and nearer to the black hole. For instant, two same DNA clone boy was places in the first year of their childhood one on earth and the other one on the moon. As we know moon most likely 16% gravitational field from earth. On their 30th earth birthday calendar, the boy from the moon will be much-much older than the boy on earth. This is because time run slower in earth compare to the moon. And both of these boys still feel like normal ‘one second per one second’ time until their 30th earth birthday calendar. The other explanation which may blow the other normal physicist was the statement which I convey to my university’s professor which is; let’s imagine a situation of one boy want to squash a normal housefly using fly swatter. In the boy experience, the housefly flying too fast in a blink of an eye. But on the other hand, the house fly, sees the boy was a slow moving person almost like a snails. Maybe I’m still young to explain to my university’s professor at that time, they just wouldn’t believe the next theorem; which is wrongly presented to them about time-wrapping field. My proposed theoretical physics thesis was rejected (in 2001). Now, to answer the time warp energy conservation question (energy conservation was a dominant law for all the physicist around the world) , let say a small 12V battery have a chemical energy that supply 3Ampere of electric current for normally 4 hours before the battery drop dead. In normal earth gravitational field, the battery supplies 12V and 3Ampere for 4 hours. The total power (in watt) will be 12 x 3 = 36 Watt (or Joule per second). In 4 hours, the total energy of that battery will be 60 x 60 x 4 x 36 = 516.4 kilojoules in normal earth gravitational field. Let say my device was produce a field that actually shield the normal earth gravitational field and the time do running faster inside the produce field. This means, one second on outside the field is still one second, but one second inside the field was stretch out to a minute. As the person inside the field still feels normal second, he sees that person outside the field much-much slower. As the person outside the fields will see the person inside the field moving too fast. The conservation of energy for the battery which is total of (based on normal chemical process) was 516.4kilo Joules, inside the field the total battery energy would be 60 x 60 x 60 x 4 x 36 = 31.1 Mega Joules! Base on both calculations, it is true as you friends the physicist explains we would require enormous energy to lift a person to air, but as the time distort inside the field, the small energy using inside the field will become enormous outside the field. And that person actually protected. And as all normal physicists would say, the calculation would be valid as long as the total energy is conserve. I know this calculation seems a bit rush to any normal physicist, as I still not publish any paper to explain this phenomenon, but I foresee that we as physicist maybe need another theorem to create a logical explanation what’s happen inside the fields. Last statement to bake an idea inside your mind will be “let say, there are two 100meter runner in starting point. One of the runner using my device which he shield himself from earth gravitational field and multiple his time to 1/60 second and the other runner was not. And let the race begin. After 0.16 second, the runner; who wears my device finishes the race. And then, 10 second later, the normal (without the device runner) finish the race. Bear in mind that both of the runner still feels that they run like a normal the 100 meter race and use the same muscle's energy, but only different that the time that they experience will be different. So as both runners’ energy conserve. We can see who will be the only winner is. Wallahualam, Thanks. P/s: let me give you my email 'deackenz@gmail.com' for any further discussion about my Three to Four years project development.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 20:29:48 GMT 7
Saya pake CSE garis-garis vertikal untuk memudahkan tidur...klau model bulat kayak sedotan di tumpuk malah nggak bisa tidur terasa melihat diri sendiri di cermin cocok untuk pengobatan penyakit minder.klau garis vertikal sinus spiral flat bukan per terasa seperti di awang-awang.klau segitiga sama sisi seolah-olah di masa depan ,klau segi 6 seolah-olah saya melakukan teleportasi.klau segi 8 untuk mencuci tubuh,klau model kotak biar punya sifat sabar dan sederhana,klau cakram berpusar kayak galaxy seperti gangguan ruang waktu /shielding.......mungkin ini hanya perasaan yang saya rasakan ketika mendapat paparan radiasi dari pasif torsion field CSE...mungkin tiap orang punya sensasi berbeda.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 20:50:01 GMT 7
Saya sudah baca teorinya resikonya umur habis klau naik pesawatnya....tapi klau formulanya di balik kearah negatif umur kita lebih panjang seperti berada di alam gaib/dunia pararel masa lalu.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 27, 2014 21:27:44 GMT 7
Tapi sayang CSE bukan anti gravitasi sesungguhnya karna penfokus energy dari natural vortex grid sehingga yang terinduksi olehnya merasakan kemampuan paranormal seperti yoga levitasi,dst....klau real anti gravity harus pake energi listrik/putaran magnet berbentuk CSE.Konon kumparan scalar coil di putar bisa mengalami mass reduction ,begitu pula spinning mica charged electric mass reduction 1%.
Post by Sucahyo on Mar 28, 2014 9:12:31 GMT 7
Terima kasih sharingnya. Mohon baca thread di bagian orgone juga.
Efek dari geometri sepertinya berbeda dengan yang saya alami. Bukannya alat kesehatan CSE itu kursi yang diatasnya ada rumah lebah madu?
Saya pernah harus mengatasi problem tidak bisa tidur yang parah. Saat ini saya punya beberapa solusi yang saya anggap efektif, diantaranya adalah cemenite dan stingo zapper.
Memang CSE bukan anti gravity. Proses anti gravity tidak di share. Yang bisa dipelajari dari CSE adalah geometri bisa menghasilkan energi.
Untuk efek di kesehatan, bisa bikin sakit tentu bisa bikin sembuh juga. Bisa bikin umur pendek, tentu bisa bikin umur panjang juga. Saya sebut ini efek energi orgone.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 28, 2014 10:05:35 GMT 7
Viktor Grebenikov memberikan sumber-sumber CSE selain sarang lebah,pake buku ,sedotan,busa ,dst ,dia juga pernah gunakan pyramid di gantungkan untuk mengetest daya psycics powernya dari telapak tangannya.dia juga mengakui pyramid punya energi besar,dia juga pernah bikin pakai kerucut di kasih 3 magnet di kemudian di tinggal ke rumahnya ,esok paginya magnetnya berhamburan ada yang menancap ke dalam tembok/hasilkan effek poltergiest....pada dasarnya shape power sacred geometric baik dari kerucut,pyramid,CSE,JOE CELL,orgone accumulator ,spinning magnet,vortex grid,ley line,dst itu semua sumber torsion field baik yang alami maupun buatan.menutut akimov torsion field ada yang negatif dan positif tergantung arah spinnya.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 28, 2014 10:36:47 GMT 7
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 28, 2014 11:02:17 GMT 7
Gudangnya alat-alat keparanormalan karna kita membicarakan di luar hukum fisika yang ada(gelombang-gelombang diatas kecepatan cahaya yang di luar alam manusia). amasci.com/freenrg/tors/
Post by Sucahyo on Mar 29, 2014 8:25:07 GMT 7
Kalau menurut pendapat saya, Grebenikov mengemukakan bahwa semua orang bisa melakukannya, dan menyuruh mencoba sendiri. Seperti pakai tongkat karbon, dst. Untuk kesehatan yang disarankan sepertinya adalah rumah tawon madu. Grebenikov sendiri membedakan antara efek tawon madu (honey bee) dan lebah penyengat (wasp). Ia menyarankan untuk menghindari wasp.
Di tradisi kita kan juga ada untuk membiarkan rumah tawon dan menghancurkan rumah lebah penyengat.
Pengertian saya tentang CSE berbeda dengan yang disebut di link diatas.
Karena orang barat itu suka menggampangkan, mereka menganggap ilmu jin itu adalah torsion field. Karena mereka sendiri nggak percaya dengan adanya jin. Padahal kalau dari pengertian kita, jin itu punya pikiran sendiri. Sementara torsion field, orgone, CSE, skalar, dst adalah efek fisika yang bisa kita reka ulang tanpa campur tangan jin.
Cemenite adalah alat berbasis CSE/orgone/odic. Metafisik lokal bilang cemenite nggak ada energinya. Tapi uji es, uji kendaraan, uji kompor gas, uji burung, uji cuaca, uji rasa air, dst menunjukkan bahwa cemenite ada efeknya.
Menurut saya pengertian orang barat terhadap energi CSE kebanyakan adalah salah.
CSE/orgone/odic bukanlah chi, bukan energi metafisik, bukan energi aether, bukan energi dark mater, dst.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 30, 2014 22:56:28 GMT 7
Efek fractal/shape power biasanya di gunakan untuk hipnotis ,coba liat uya kuya kadang gunakan gambar spiral berputar bila menemui orang yang susah di hipnotis.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 30, 2014 23:03:16 GMT 7
Yang jelas Grebenikov gunakan psycics powernya untuk mendeteksi torsion field dengan bantuan carbon/pensil ,kadang pula ia pakai bunga.Dia juga gunakan psycics powernya untuk menggerakkan pyramid yang di gantung dengan menfokuskan CSE yang dibentuk dari celah-celah jari-jari telapak tangannya.Coba baca kembali artikelnya.Jadi semua ini murni metaphysics seperti halnya yoga levitasi,tidur berjalan ,dst seperti di awal cerita artikel miliknya.
Post by Sucahyo on Mar 31, 2014 9:31:39 GMT 7
efek yang dirasakan grebenikov bisa dirasakan semua orang. bisa dilakukan semua orang. tidak seperti bidang lain. ia bilang orang bisa merasakan tapi meteran tidak mendeteksi, masa semua tamunya ahli metafisik?. efek anti gravitasi ia amati awalnya dari kepompong. lalu pada sayap kumbang langka. efek cse nggak ada hubungannya dengan efek anti gravitasi. alat anti gravitasi grebenikov nggak pakai metode cse. beda lagi.
Post by fbkudidikm3 on Mar 31, 2014 9:46:44 GMT 7